The Adventures of the Black Lotus


The Company of the Black Lotus!
Current Members:                                    
Ellasha, Rask,
Vosh, Brother Roy,
Tuktuu, Lilliana of Mistwood
Owyn Fireoak,
& Co-Starring:
S'Yanna, Snuggleguts the Tressym, Morhiel,
Szarkuin the Snow Leopard, Stormchaser,
GreyTail, and BlackTalon


Recent Events:

         A Deck of Many belongs to Lilliana, a gift from the dwarven high priest they rescued from Hell. But she hasn't used it yet.

         After gaining the help of the ancient dwarven high priest, the Company was able to easily transport the Holy Forge back to Kellodin and the new temple in Waterdeep. In exchange for that, and several ancient items from Hammerguard, the Company was able to strike a deal in the enchanting of several magical items for themselves as part of their payment from the dwarves and their temple. These items would be ready by Greengrass.

         In the meantime, the dire wolf problem has gotten out of hand, and the party has decided to engage and if possible oust the huge wolves. With the help of the Bruincaer staff and some of the Swift Swords, the wolves are drawn out from the old Lupicopse House ruins, and the Comapny stays to engage them while the guards and the lodge staff ride on past the battle safely.

        After fascinating one of the wounded wolves from the initial battle with Lilliana's bardic magic and interrogating it via Owyn's ability to speak with animals, the Company discovered that the Pack Leader was new, powerful, and brought more of their kind sometimes to aid them in routing out prey. That their new leader help keep them away from "the deadly vines" and wound sometimes hunt "the hurting wolves" that had long ago driven the pack out of the woods to the west. That's when the second assault - dozens upon dozens of dire wolves roared around the hillsides to attack the party. Several spells of mass destruction and much falling down due to the dire wolves excellent ability to trip opponents later, the company was victorious. However, during the battle they were assaulted by an invisible singer who sought to lull the party into lethargy. Several small fireballs forced his retreat while Lilliana battle his magic song.

       As they tended their wounds and counted the unconscious and dead wolves, they noticed that several had disappeared, completely without track or trace. Summoned! And so they mounted the hill toward Lupincopse House to deal with the pack leader. As they entered ,a small group of dire wolves engaged them, aided each round by another summoned dire wolf. Meanwhile, Tuktoo vainly attempted to engaged the invisible pack leader who was drawing his attention and spells in the other courtyard. Finally resorting to gaining the Gem of True Seeing from Ellasha, he returned to his place and scanned for the villain, only seeing him long escape into the large still standing tower in the courtyard.

      Gathering the subdued wolves, the party advanced on the tower and entered, Owyn smelling a somehow purer scent of wolf. Inside, incense ruined any hope of a trail, but tracks in the dust lead to a curtained off area as well as two doors and a spiral stairway. The first members entered the tapestried area, finding a bruised and bloodied man hanging from shackles, hoping for escape he said the madman had come through, picked up a book, and then he had heard a door open and shut. The majority of the party moved to get a better vantage on the door as Ellasha and S'Yanna went to the man's aid. Wisely scanning with the Gem of True Sight, the shape-shifted enemy was revealed and freeing himself from the unlatch chains lit a smokestick to obscure himself.

      And assault of weapons and magic laid low the white haired enemy who did nothing but try to escape, but in dire wolf form. They dragged him bound out of the tower, and Owyn in wolf form called out to the other dire wolves that he had bested the pack leader, a few remaining conscious wolves just returned from the earlier fray they had fled arrived. One step forward to challenge, and bested Owyn, grappling him by the throat. Owyn submitted and retreated. The new pack leader and two others grabbed the binding on the unconscious man/wolf leader and began to drag him away, but Brother Roy asked Tuktoo with his tongues ability to issue a challenge. The lead wolf move to block him whilst the other two dragged the white wolf leader away. Brother Roy's stunning fist dropped the current pack leader in a shot, as Tuktoo encased the white wolf and its draggers in a hemisphere of force. The party then encircled the force wall, dropped it and stunned the two wolves who had been nudging and digging at the large white wolf.

     Deciding they needed to speak with the supernatural wolf, still bound, they healed him, Brother Roy ready to stun him, but without his heavily magical gloves. With startling speed, the wolf shifted to man, his bindings fell away, and brother Roy tried to stun him but failed, but the company's warriors dropped him again with near lethal blows. Once more, Ellasha sought to heal the dying man so that he could be questioned, only to have have his eyes alight and then most of the party fell down as he unleashed a spell which knocked them from their feet. Shifting once more to wolf, faster that Owyn had ever seen a shifter do so, the Dire Wolf sought escape and was laid low AGAIN, this time permanently, by the Company. In his death, some of his skin bubbled away, and several items fell from the wound, a rough stick and two vials, all magical, and a holy symbol of Malar, the Beastlord. The party sat back and rested, wondering what to do with a half dozen subdued wolves.


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