The Company of the Black Lotus are not your normal adventurers. Not
that adventurers are normal, but the Company is even weirder. None of
the original members of the company were human, though some have joined
its ranks afterwards. Nonetheless, all of the members of the company are
strange, or have some dark past or secret of some kind.
What follows is a brief description of each of the core members of the Company, past and present, alive and not quite alive.
Ellasha (Reincarnated/Polymorphed):
She appears as a beautiful and charming silver-skinned, white
haired Moon Elf, one of The People. With a wondrous singing voice and a skill
for dancing, she often attracts the eyes around her. But it is her ability
to call upon her goddess and her own skills at healing and priestly spellcraft
which make her an invaluable member of the Company. Yet she hides a secret
among the city dwellers, for she is no Moon Elf, but instead a Drow, a Dark
Elf, one of the race of terrible and evil elves cast into the UnderDark millenia
ago. She is not the ruthless killer that so many of her kin are, however,
but instead venerates the goddess of the good Drow, Eilistraee, The Dark
Maiden. She walks under stars rather than stone, as she has been sent to
learn the ways of the surface-worlders. Ellasha has been rid of a cursed
sword she possessed with the aid of a regeneration potion. Ellasha died twice
in the span of twenty four hours, first due to the actions of her own party
members who were trying to stop her from killing someone (she was being
controlled by some unknown source at the time), and then again after being
ressurected by using a magic ring which teleported her into a nasty predicament
(involving a large blue dragon) from which she was unable to escape. She
was given a 'get out of death free' card by Halaster, the mad mage of
Undermountain, who reincarnated her as a gnoll - though that problem was
fixed in exchange for owing a very powerful person a favor. Oh well. Ellasha
was unwillingly promoted to company leader upon Namique's retirement to her
keep, due to seniority. Lead and heal, lead and heal, that's all everybody
wants. Ellasha knows of the group of bards and adventurers calling themselves
"The Harpers" and seeks desperately to join their cause.
Vosh (Reincarnated/Polymorphed/Altered):
Vosh used to be hard to describe, especially when his formerly
4' 7" frame was covered by his cloak and hood. When thrown back however,
Vosh was revealed to have a face which was a cross between a human and a
cat, with one human and one feline eye. Ragged tufts of hair sprouted
sporadically about his face and head. His hands were equally strange, but
little else about his deformities could be seen due to his enfolding clothes.
Vosh wields any blade with uncanny precision, but strikes with deadly accuracy
when swinging his sabre. Caught being "curious" about the party's belongings,
Vosh proved his combat skill, as well as showing a few other intriguing
abilities, and was asked to join the party so long as he wasn't 'curious'
about there belongings anymore. Vosh agreed (silly him). After being accused
of murder, acquitted, and helping expel a Shadow Thief safe house from the
city of Waterdeep, Vosh forked over a considerable amount of cash, and with
the help of a kindly wizard with a permanent face lift spell, has been
transformed into a 6'2" bipedal feline, removing from himself the atrocious
stigma of being a mongrelman, while retaining most of his abilities. Vosh
was also resurected by the Unicorn, Blackmane, during the early assaults
against the Earlanni. By the end of the campaign against the half-elves,
Vosh had died again, and was resurrected by the leader of Ellasha's temple,
The Promenade, in exchange for becoming a follower of the faith (on a trial
basis, of course). Vosh has grown tougher and more enduring over the
time spent with party, but occasionally still suffers from glass jaw syndrome
in some of the Company's more heinous battles.
Tuktuu (Killed a few times in travels with the Company, but generally
in one piece):
A kenku of unknown history, Tuktuu has proven that he
is a master of darts, as well as of magic. He was recruited (as was Kriff)
by the Unicorn, Blackmane, to assist the party in their attempt to oust the
leaders of the Earlanni Half-elves. Tuktuu claims to be searching for a lost
tribe of his people. He is worldly, and in fact has been to Waterdeep and
is a member of the mages guild. After an unfortunate encounter with a water
weird inhabiting a magical pool, Tuktuu temprarily changed color to that
of burnished copper - inside and out from all indications. A side effect
of this color change was a mild resistance to electrical damage, as well
as a weakness to copper, which burned his flesh like silver does a werewolf.
Tuktuu was eventually able to clear himself of that affliction, but a single
copper feather remains to remind him of that onerous time. Similarly, Tuktuu
once traveled with Kriff the Pale to the Grey Waste, where Kriff's god dwelt.
From that excursion, Tuktuu gained another colored feather, this one grey,
and a strong desire for religion. Tuktuu is accompanied by his familiar Morhiel,
a black and grey night owl.
Brother Lee Roy (Soul stolen and returned):
Brother Lee Roy is an obviously occidental man who speaks with
a horribly mangled oriental accent, and who preaches peace at every opportunity.
Brother Roy is a priest of Ilmater, the god of suffering, and has offered
to assist the party by helping them not suffer. Oh, yes, and he was particularly
annoying, causing enough mental suffering to more than make up for the physical
suffering he eased. Brother Roy fell afoul of a Deck of Many Things, and
his soul was being kept by someone who suddenly took a severe dislike to
Tyrian. During the quest to the Abyss, Brother Roy's soul gem was found,
allowing him to be restored to his waiting body. Brother Roy's personality
has softened, as has his accent since his tormented moments in the demon-held
soul gem, and is beginning to come to terms with the inherent Chaos of the
Owyn Fireoak:
A druid of many talents, including winemaking, Owyn came to
join the party after hearing rumors that a group of adventurers had been
given title to a noble estate north of Waterdeep that was overgrown by a
wild vineyard. Seeking both a place to guard and nuture as well as potential
access to the adventure and experience that the Company regularly endures,
Owyn offered his services, as well as those of his intelligent animal companions,
Stormchaser, GreyTail and BlackTalon.
Lilliana of the Mistwood:
Raised as much in the small elven wood of Mistwood by the High
Moor as by the folk of the Way Inn nearby, Lilliana is an accomplished performer
and true bard. Easily distracted by a handsome figure in less worrisome times,
Lilliana is determined in combat and other dangerous situations. Used to
traveling for her profession, and living out of her gaily colored wagon-home,
Lilliana first arrived upon the Company's doorstep after hearing of a call
put out for musicians and performers for parties thrown by the Company for
those who had completed the rigorous hand-to-hand training in Brother Roys
Rask is a powerful dwarven warrior clad in magical mail. He
has proven himself to be a dangerous opponent and capable metalsmith. Rask
joined with the party while they were leaving behind the ruins of Hammerguard,
and old dwarven fortress he had come to investigate, only to find it already
well scoured. No one yet knows anything about Rask's past or history really,
time will tell if anyone ever does.
Namique Satori (Retired):
The former "sort-of" leader of the Company, Namique is a thin,
pale-skinned woman with striking blood-red hair. Namique was born in the
far off valley of DaggerDale, well over a hundred years ago. Born of a union
of living and undead, the embodiment of a priest's spiteful curse, Namique
is a Half-Vampire. Unlike her true kin - she may walk in the light of day,
but fears its touch nonetheless. A recent inheritor of an Uncle's estate
and Noble title in Waterdeep, her purpose remains to track down her unliving
Father, and fulfill the prophetic curse which binds them. Namique possesses
a particular affinity with wolves, and in fact, has had a Dire Wolf mount
which she rode rather than use a horse. She has also been accompanied by
Little Wolf, a normal grey northland wolf, and still has the animal companions
Aah & Choo, a pair of trained ferrets who each possess as many hit points
as most newly trained mercenary soldiers. Go figure. Namique has recently
retired from adventuring to her keep north of Waterdeep where she seeks to
make it a livable and profitable home.
Thellnor Revias (Retired with a large force of dwarves and looking
for a major land war):
Thellnor Revias is a crusader of Tempus, the god of War
and Battle-glory. He is also about as bright as a piece of granite. Thellnor
distinguished himself during his temple service at the Battle of Black Knoll,
one of the skirmishes with the forces of Dragonspear Castle, by charging
alone into enemy lines to capture and destroy the enemy standard. The breach
and confusion allowed the day to be won, and allowed healers to reach the
idiot before he was trampled and bled to death. Thellnor's service to his
temple in Waterdeep ended and he was sent out to find adventure and battle,
and serve as a paragon of the virtues of Tempus. Having followed the explosive
(and we do mean that) career of the Company, he immediately decided to seek
them out, since they are a trouble magnet, and cause glorious chaos wherever
they go. The Company accepted him rather quickly. Hmmmm. With the end of
the Earlanni threat, Thellnor felt the need to continue with his true calling,
and found an army of dwarves (whom he had helped lead months earlier at the
Battles of Loudwater) looking for an honorable leader. Thellnor said, "Ooh,
army!" and left the Company with his new battlemates.
Nightfall (Left for more gainful adventuring employment):
Nightfall is a sight, as well as an exception to a rule.
He is an Avariel, a winged elf. With large bird-like wings, and the angled
features common to elves, Nightfall is hard to miss in a crowd. Nightfall
is also an adventurer, something rarely seen or heard of amongst the isolationist
avariel. Nonetheless, Nightfall travels the outside world looking for adventure
and a few choice bits of treasure. Nightfall originally met the party after
a wyvern attack, but thanks to a Wish, that particular timeline never happened,
and Nightfall instead met the party via a summoning spell, and found himself
bound by magic to perform a task for the Archmage of Waterdeep, Khelben Arunsun,
requiring Nightfall to accompany the party to help in the battles of a war.
Nightfall was sent back to Waterdeep after suffering a mental breakdown in
an underground realm. He apparently has sought other adventuring employment
since his return to the surface Realms.
Baldric Boulderbash (Retired to the Outer Planes - no really - he's
not Deceased):
A truly stout dwarf, Baldric looks rather like a square given
life. He rides a mighty subterranean lizard as his steed, whose name, loosely
translated from dwarven means "killer". Baldric lived in the earth and he
also worships the earth, or more specifically, Grumbar, Boss of Earth. He
strikes in his lord's name with a massive maul designed to crush the
life out of any target. As a chosen of Grumbar, Baldric may call forth elementals
to aid him. During the Second Battle of Loudwater, it was Baldric, his Elemental
ally and his Lizard who simultaneaously struck the telling blows against
Pomerian the Lich, causing the detonation of the undead necromancer's fireball
contingency. Baldric is very proud, and very ribald. Namique took an immediate
liking to him. Go figure. Lost accidentally due to an undirected Plane
Shift spell, Baldric was captured by Norse dwarves on the same plane as the
drow realm of Svartalfheim, and is currently preaching to the dwarves of
Nidavellir of the many great things about Grumbar.
Surumen (Reincarnated and Exiled by magic to his Home
Surumen is a secretive individual, who so far has simply followed
in the party's wake since they were the first individuals he met upon his
arrival to Toril. Surumen arrived via a plane shift spell which cost him
a small fortune, and landed in the aftermath of the Korreds' Dancing Circle
after the fight with the Hellgate Keep heroes. Surumen normally wears an
executioner's hood. The two times the party has glimpsed his face they have
seen many ugly scars upon his otherwise human countenance. In battle, Surumen
has shown a penchant for striking from behind or from a distance with sling
or spells. He was accompanied by something which occasionally chirped and
purred, though only Namique seems to have seen this invisible friend. Most
recently, Surumen found a way back to his home plane. Then he decided to
come back and assist the party in their endeavors, only to die, have his
invisible friend die, and then to be reincarnated as a Centaur. He then took
it upon himself to insult a Pit Fiend, and found himself forcibly shifted
back to his homeworld, and bound there forever. Oh well.
Cala (Retired to her Druid Grove):
Usually she walks the land as a silver-skinned Moon Elf, though
sometimes her tread changes to that of a brown bearded he-dwarf, or even
into the winged, reptillian form of a Sivak Draconian. Enslaved by Neogi
raiders on Krynn, Cala survived the long trip through the swirling Phlogiston
and dark of WildSpace. When the MindSpider ship she was on was shot down
by the Shou Lung Space Navy, it crash landed in the Northlands of Faerun
on Toril. There she escaped and joined up with the Company, who had arrived
to investigate the crash. Cala is a druid, a protector and caretaker of the
natural world, from whence she draws her powers. Unfortunately, she also
has a mild tendency toward Pyromania, especially directed towards defenseless
barns, and very offensive carnivorous trees. Yet it is not her druid's ways
which give her her powers of shapeshifting, that is her heritage. For she
is Irda, one of the High Ogres of Krynn, those Ogres who embraced the concept
of Free Will before the evil of the Dark Queen could pervert them into hideous
brutes. With the boon granted by Piergeiron of Waterdeep, Cala has retired
from adventuring to fulfill a promise of sorts to the druid spirits of the
grove where the party made its final stand against Umbra, assured as to its
defense by the Guardsmen of Waterdeep.
Mandor D'Sawal (Retired to Evermeet):
Bon vivante, ladies man, over dressed fop. Mandor, a noble
born Gold Elf of Evermeet, is all of these things. He is also a member of
the Eagle Lodge, an elite warriors' guild of Elven Bladesingers devoted to
the use of the Sabre. A swashbuckling warrior given to flamboyant displays
of swordwork and acrobatics, Mandor nearly found his death several times
while adventuring with the Company. Arrogant in the belief of his superiority,
Mandor nonetheless found ample opportunity for wenching, drinking, smoking,
and other hobbies. Yet his life was the sword, and whenever a free moment
presented itself, he would practice his art and his profession. Despite his
court upbringing, Mandor possessed a wild, bestial side taught to him by
the Wild Elves of the wood. With wit and blade equally sharp, he sought to
carve a name for himself adventuring upon the mainland. In the end, pining
for home, he took passage upon the elven swan ship, FoamWing, and returned
to his forest island of EverMeet.
Conchubar 'SpearChucker' (Currently buying more
Conchubar is a Moonshae warrior of strange descent, swearing
he is cursed with the blood of fomori - whatever the hell those are. On a
quest to prove himself and acquire wealth for his family, Conchubar happened
upon the Company during their multiple, ill-fated attempts to kill the Dracolich,
Gromnithresta. Seeing an opportunity for fame and wealth, he joined their
ranks and proved his battle worth by throwing his ancestral spear. Often
killing towering draconic bodies with a single shot, he called his strange
leg spring spear throwing style the Gae Bolga. The Company is just happy
that their members posses the stoneskin spell for when Conchubar accidentally
hits them. Whoops. Conchubar has taken his share of the Dracolich's hoard
and has bought cattle and part ownership of a merchant cog, and is ferrying
the cattle to his family's lands in the Moonshaes. When done, he may rejoin
the party in their ongoing quests.
Mnemnarion Nimnoga (Retired to create an Invention Shop):
A gnomish follower of Gond, Mnemnarion is a somewhat selfish,
mostly masochistic little imp of a gnome with a great understanding of mechanical
objects and a joyous reverence for firearms. Not the most tactful of individuals,
Mnemnarion has an insatiable curiousity and a wide reptoire of abilities
and magicks from his god. He bowed out as the Company traveled to the Outer
Planes, where he REALLY didn't want to go, and instead found a treaure hunt
to pursue to raise funds for a laboratory and factory he wishes to dedicate
to the service of Gond.
Tolliver Quaid (Returned to the Ilmaterite Monastery):
A fellow follower of Ilmater, Brother Quaid had been sent to
find Brother Roy, and find out how his mission of pennance and acceptance
is proceeding. Tolliver is not your normal fit adventurer - he is obese,
has thin hair, and sweats profusely - on the other hand - he can accept a
great deal of pain, and his god grants him many special powers to alleviate
the suffering of others and make him resistant to suffering himself. Tolliver
is strangely jovial sometimes, and oddly masochistic other times. No one
is really sure if he is sane, but hey, as long as he can cast spells - does
it really matter to this group of deviants?
"Whisper" (Following personal quests currently):
A sexy and stealthy young woman from the Heartlands by
the Dragonmere, Whisper is a mageling and an accomplished skulker. She is
almost scarily proficient at finding traps and capable of disabling even
magical glyphs. She is also a professed follower of Mask, patron god of thieves,
and tends a small chapel to that god which the Company found in their estate
at LupinCopse. The god Hoar, the Doombringer, God of Vengeance also seems
to have some interest in the lady rogue. She joined the Company shortly after
their success in releasing Halaster, seeing them as desperately needing her
special skills. Whisper is accompanied by her familiar, Gibhorim, a grey
and white snow owl. Whisper has, at least for the moment, bid farewell to
the company to pursue certain personal quests.
Raven FireStaff (He's Dead - He's Alive - He's the Elven Yo-Yo/Finally
Moon Elf Weapons Master and Wizard from the mountaintop forest
nation of Evereska, Raven Firestaff's past is unknown to his comrades. What
is known is that Raven possesses a hatred of Orcs that goes beyond the bounds
of sanity. Should an Orc show itself in Raven's presence, or be stupid enough
to stand upwind, Raven's deadly pair of longswords or his mighty bone longbow
will end its existence (and sometimes its general cohesiveness) before two
breaths may be drawn. Raven bears the intelligent (if somewhat dim) sword,
Seeker, who grants Raven the ability to find evil in his presence. Raven
has died before at the hands of the gladiator, Gothas MageBane, but was brought
back by the will of Tymora (and a hefty donation to said goddess' temple).
Raven died again thanks to one of Namique's stray poisoned arrows (meant
for a mutated Orcan chieftain). Raven walked again, and with the help of
his friends, completed the quest given him by Tymora to desecrate a drow
temple to Selvetarm in Undermountain. Raven came to demonstrate great skill
with both his weapons and wizardry. During the race to acquire the Pipes
of Doom, Raven was accidentally incinerated by a fireball thrown by Xenalar
to hit a manticore amidst a dense forest. Most of Raven's hardier possessions
survived the blast, but Raven did not. With the help of the kindly healer
Radoc, however, Raven was returned to normal, more or less. During a forward
assault on the Earlanni, Raven died again, this time caught in the embrace
of magical tentacles while a poisonous cloud extinguished his life. The Unicorn,
Blackmane, resurrected Raven to continue the quest against the Earlanni.
Following that, Raven accompanied the party on their many quests, succeeding
in battle against a mighty draconic foe, and agreeing to go with the Comapny
into the Abyss to rescue the goddess Waukeen from the clutches of a Tannar'ri
Lord. In the mad rush to escape, Raven was cut off from his companions by
a mighty Marillith demoness, and with his last strikes, climbed up her body
with his spiked boots, and encased her in a sphere from a Bead of Force,
dying at her hands but killing her with his final strike - slowing the pursuit
after his companions.
Anders (Deceased):
Anders was a simple human, who wore chain mail and a
plain black tabard, with a pair of longswords belted to his hips. Anders
was a recent arrival in Waterdeep, and was seeking adventure and glory, when
he found the old advertisement for joining the Company of the Black Lotus
(Care to increase your Stress? Want to fight overwheleming odds?). Strangely
enough, he promptly attempted to find and join the party. After their first
run-in with thugs and poisoned ballista bolts, Anders is kind of indebted
to the Company for his life, and finally admitted to actually being a paladin,
though he belonged to no knightly order at this time. Anders was seriously
confused as to Namique's nature, despite what everybody says, but took every
other revelation in fairly good stride, and his fragile human psyche seemed
intact for the duration of his association with the Comapny. During
the quest for the Pipes of Doom, Anders was weakened in battle, and succumbed
to the Power Word KILL of the Lich Pomerian. His life force snuffed out,
and the party over-indebted, he was laid to rest with his recently acquired
henchwoman, Reena, who fell to the same magic.
Xenalar Brazenheart (Deceased):
A gold elf of wild black hair, and true gold elvish attitude
(which is to say superior and arrogant), Xenalar was a master of the arts
of wild magic. A devotee of chaos, Xenalar arrived during the aftermath of
the first Battle for Loudwater, and offered his assistance in the recapturing
of the artifact known as the Pipes of Doom. Xenalar's tenure with the Company
was short, a mere 3 hours, before his untimely demise. However, he was able
to hurt several beasts of the forest which were accosting the party, not
the least of which was Chloris, a large adult green dragon whose territory
the party had inadvertently crossed into. Xenalar died amidst the foul choking
gas of the dragon's attack, but not before unleashing a devastating fireball
which seared much flesh and scales from the old beast, weakening her enough
for the party and the Spellcutters to finish off the dragon.
Galrion StoneShoulders (Deceased):
Moradin is the All-Father of the Dwarves, the creator of the
Dwarven Peoples, and the patron of the Shield Dwarves of the Northlands.
In the face of Human expansion and the deadly toll taken by Orcish and Goblinoid
hordes over the past centuries, the dwarves of the Northlands are a dwindling
people. They are not without their champions, however, and Galrion is just
that, a champion of Moradin All-Father, a fanatic defender of the faith and
the people. An armorer of some skill, he possessed a keen eye for the battle
standards of the Northern Lands, and sought to reclaim the Dwarfholds of
old which had been lost to the ravages of war and time. A warrior of surpassing
skill with the battle axe, and a fair shot with a crossbow, he was also the
owner of Illumine, the Sun Club, until its untimely destruction in a battle
with the vampire, Umbra. In the same explosion that destroyed a city block
and indirectly took out Xanthin, Galrion was also hit by the same falling
weapons shop, but only some bits of armor and his left leg were recovered
from the wreckage, though it appears that his remains may have fallen into
the sewer which was also devastated by the blast.
Kriff the Pale (Deceased):
At first glimpse, one might think Kriff was dead or damn near
death. It would come as no surprise that this dour, cadaverous figure was
a follower of Kelemvor, Lord of the Dead. Standing about six feet tall, Kriff
fit the part of a Death Priest. He sufferred from albinism and was completely
hairless, lacking even eyebrows or lashes. In bright light (which he tended
to avoid), a complex latticework of veins and arteries were apparent under
his exposed skin. Kriff was gaunt to the point of freakishness. His bones
seemed to be always threatening to tear through his skin, but he was surprisingly
tough, jumping into battle with his magical lucerne hammer when the occasion
demanded it. Personality was not one of Kriff's strong points. His character
matched his appearance. Grim, severe, ascerbic. Occasionally though, some
semblance of a sense of humor appeared, usually in the form of a dry, biting
sarcasm at the expense of one of his party members. Like most of his faith,
he believed that death is a natural occurrence. Undeath should only be allowed
in the service of his Lord. Otherwise, Kriff deemed it his responsibilty
to return these tormented souls to the rest they deserve, even if they don't
desire it. Death seemed to follow the Company, and that, in Kriff's humble
opinion, was always a good thing. Kriff also found that saying that the only
good undead are the one's in service to his Lord is a really BAD way of making
friends with an Elven Lich (a Baelnorn) who's purpose is protecting the dead.
Kriff had the poor luck of having his giant undead vulture shot out from
beneath him by a cultist capable of casting lightning bolt, and was then
captured while feigning death. If the huge, horrible undead dragon hadn't
bit him in half, well the rot gruns from the corpse storage room would have
done him in. Kriff is now a denizen of Kelemvor in the City of the Dead,
and damned if he's not happy (well, I guess he's kinda damned anyway.
Xanthin (Deceased):
Short in stature, Xanthin was the brown skinned gnome of the
Company. Xanthin specialized (and we say that loosely) in combining the magical
trickery of illusions with the deft hands of an adventuring rogue. She rarely
succeeded. To her credit, Xanthin became an expert crossbow reloader, a deadly
(and highly flammable) shot with Fire Oil pots, and excellent point guard
(read as "Light and small enough for most other party members to pick up
and throw into uncharted areas of magical darkness..."). Xanthin was also
an expert Looter, though frequently the rest of the party prevented her from
exercising that skill on them. For some time, Xanthin had been the target
of multiple assassination attempts, for she bore The Ring of Hammarkh, a
dwarven neo-artifact of untapped potential which was secretly desired by
many dark and evil factions. Alas, it was finally stolen by the powerful
and persistent SpellCutters. Xanthin finally
died by having a weapons shop fall on her due to the massive smoke powder
explosion of the Shadow Thieves' safe house. At least no one can burn her
hair off anymore.
Tck'Chkk (Deceased):
Seven feet tall, and Eleven feet long, Tck'Chkk was one of
the Thri-Kreen, the mantis warriors of the eastern grasslands and deserts.
The Hive where he hatched on the fringes of the Quoya desert was already
larger than the local food could sustain, thus he was to be eaten by the
other hivemembers, but the broodkeeper felt a strange compunction and instead
threw him to the sandy wastes instead. Alone in the desert, Tck'Chkk was
found soon thereafter by a human of Shou Lung, a man of compassion and skill
at arms. He shared his food with the hungry kreen, and a bond was formed.
In time, as the mantis warrior grew, the man taught him the ways of the
sword-saint, the honor of the Kensai. Tck'Chkk became the aging man's best
student, and hidden within his dojo, became a fierce warrior. Tck'Chkk sought
to test himself, and, not truly accepted by the simple folk due to his monstrous
nature, he joined the Emperor's Spelljamming Navy, and journeyed to the stars,
where he was captured by the same Neogi who had taken Cala. He joined the
Company after that same crash in his attempt to kill the neogi leader. Tck'Chkk
died in confrontation with the newly risen vampire, Umbra, and became a vampire
as well, enslaved to the will of Umbra and the bloodlust of the undead. Tck-Chk
finally died while defending his undead master, struck down by the Company
and forever destroyed by the light of the Sun Club, Illumine.
Morghiel (Missing in Action):
Hugely muscled, broad shouldered, over 8' tall and weighing
over 300 pounds, Morghiel stood out in any crowd. But perhaps it was also
the wiry hair, heavy brow, and blunt, jutting tusks that distinguished him.
Morghiel was a Half-Ogre, born of a human woman, captured and raped by a
brutish and cruel ogre. When finally large enough and strong enough to stand
up to his father, Morghiel fled from his hill-clan to seek the civilization
of his mother's people. In the dark taproom of the Dripping Dagger, he met
the Company, back from their first adventure. As a warrior, Morghiel's potential
was obvious, and once he displayed his deadly swordwork, for with his great
size he could wield two bastard swords simultaneously, he was quickly asked
to add his might to theirs. His strength and bulk saved the Company many
times in the following weeks. But one day, in the safety of their rental
villa, a glowing gem appeared, hovering in midair. Before the other members
could warn him, Morghiel touched the gem, and was quickly caught by the power
of a summoning spell of some kind, and disappeared, never to be seen
Brisk (Missing):
Another brief member of the Company, Brisk was a short, grey
skinned, completely hairless gnome. Due to this baldness, some party members
believed it was a reincarnation of Xanthin. That particular theory has been
disproven. He was actually a svirfneblin, a deep gnome, who accompanied his
people from Blingdenstone to the war with the drow at Mithral Hall, but decided
that he wanted to explore the surface. Brisk is a strange individual
who's sole purpose seems to be to annoy people. Although, perhaps a deeper
design underscores that: steal from people, then annoy them. Brisk has made
use of a couple of interesting powers in the presence of the company, notably
the ability to disintegrate leather and wood. Brisk traded all of his weapons
in at a map shop to acquire a map leading to an old dwarven hall, supposedly
filled with treasure. He was loaned the Broadsword of Shadows, formerly owned
by Xanthin, until his exceptional silver shortsword was completed. Brisk
then suffered great physical damage due to the consumption of much of his
external flesh by a green slime (which coincendentally, also ate the Broadsword
of shadows) - and was recovering from his wounds at the manor. During his
convalesence, however, he disappeared, leaving behind nothing of his existence
except the old dwarven map.
Randall of Cormyr (Very Deceased, but the Abishai said he was
A fighter also sent independently by Radoc to take out the
Earlanni raiders, he had a dwarven companion who did not survive the repeated
hails of half-elven arrows. He was a masterful fighter, and from what anyone
can tell, he had dedicated his life solely to that pusuit in lieu of any
other skills or training. Unfortunately, in the previous assault on the Earlanni
leader's palace tree, a statue which defended a small chapel alcove came
to life. He dispatched the horrid looking automaton, but his magical bastard
sword shattered against the stone on the telling blow. Since the escape from
the Earlanni at that time, he had been a confused individual, shocked and
stunned by the loss of his blade. Randall eventually returned to a semblance
of himself with vengeance in his heart for the loss of his prized sword.
Finding out that he was marked by the destruction of the statue with an unholy
rune which alerted the Earlanni priests to his presence, he volunteered to
be a decoy while the rest of the party snuck into the tree village and attacked.
Unfortunately, Randall was overwhelmed by the summoned Baatezu sent to destroy
him and the party that was assumed to accompany him. Poison from a tail sting
ended his life, and the Abishai ate the rest.
Diala (Gone):
A stunningly attractive gold elf enchantress, for some reason
she sought out the Company of the Black Lotus for adventure. In the meantime,
she assisted Namique and Mnemnarion in a treasure hunt in an ancient, abandoned
dwarfhold. Why? Because there were ancient magicks to be had, and wealth
to be garnered. Or maybe she just doesn't understand the scope of the danger
she's in by accompanying these people. In the end she did join briefly with
the active Company, assisting with the release of Halaster from the machinations
of the Twisted Rune, several of her spells key to the final battle. Afterwards
she disappeared without a trace.
Tyrian (Dead - Soul sucked away by the runeblade
A half-elven son of a Waterdhavian merchant, Tyrian enjoyed
wenching, drinking, and the thrill of climbing three storey buildings for
illicit trysts with beautiful ladies. And, he also had an unnerving penchant
for getting into trouble which his father had to bail him out of with large
sums of money. Upon his last run in with the law, which was actually more
of a wrong place-wrong time incident, Tyrian was cast out of the house by
his father until he could prove himself to be a man of means and stability.
Naturally, Tyrian joined up with the Company of the Black Lotus, because
they were the most stable group of people in the whole city. There's that
low wisdom working against Tyrian again. Oh well. After the quest to the
Abyss to save the goddess Waukeen, as well as the souls of his family, taken
by a vengeful fiendish being with a hatred for Tyrian (sucks to draw that
Enmity card from a Deck of Many Things), the chaotic swashbuckler found himself
in the possession of a chaos forged blade with an alien intelligence and
strange powers. His family restored, Tyrian's father was much more complimentary
of his son's chosen "profession", and was particularly happy that other people
had to pay to bail him out of trouble. In the end, the ominous runeblade
which Tyrian had acquired showed it true power after a sojourn to hell to
rescue an long imprisoned priest. Taking over Tyrian's mind and body, the
blade attacked the company in an attempt to garner as much soul energy to
realize its full powers. Instead, Tyrian was felled by the company, and his
soul stolen by the runeblade to power its escape via teleportation.
The Company has also had its share of memorable followers:
S'Yanna, a beautiful, seductive and wanton half-fiend from
the Abyss, she agreed to aid the party in their storming of the underpalace
to rescue Waukeen, Brother Roy, and Tyrian's family. With little code except
the desire to do whatever whim she wishes to fulfill at the time, she has
taken a lustful interest in Ellasha, and seems quite willing to follow her
and the party - the wake of chaos is delicious to her lower planar soul.
Grinkle, a short, and somewhat soft-hearted Hobgoblin.
He surrendered to the party early in their carreer, and proved his worth
as an excellent skulker in shadows, and an exceptional cook. Grinkle was
killed by Namique's father, and then killed again by zombies after he had
been ressurected. His soul was in contention between Tymora and Maglubiyet,
and he occasionally visited the party as a harmless ghost able to translate
hobgoblin and goblin languages. He has finally been granted a home for his
spirit in the heavenly halls of Lady Luck, and swears he never wants to be
resurrected again. (deceased)
Bayrwik, Priest of Tymora (Goddess of Luck and Adventurers),
he was sent by his superior to aid the Company in their endeavors against
a drow temple. When the truth about Ellasha and Namique was revealed to him,
he quickly drowned his fear in wine, but became an excellent shot with those
self-same wineskins. Bayrwik died by being spit on by a ThessalHydra, the
acid glob leaving behind only bits of melted bone. Bayrwik's spirit now runs
a gaming table in Tymora's realm in the Outer Planes. (deceased)
Flargn Keelkracker, Northman warrior, excellent cook,
seaman, horseman, leatherworker and maker of weapons. Flargn presently serves
the Company as their chef, butler, stablehand and security guard at their
small villa. Flargn wields a deadly mace with an attached hooked blade. With
it he has shown that he can disarm nearly any foe. Flargn is the first house
servant of the Company to survive more than two weeks. Flargn's true
purpose was recently revealed when the Company found the house invaded after
their success in the Outer Planes. Flargn was sent to find and acquire the
Ring of Hamarkh for an unknown "Master of the South Tower", but apparently
broke the contract to continue serving as the Company's major domo. He is
now missing, divinations reveal him to be a prisoner in the "South Tower".
Rayna of the Flame, Rayna was a captive of the Temple of Ghaunadaur, and showed exemplary fighting prowess in assisting the party in their escape. Rayna is a 'dancer' from Dock Ward, who was hired, abused, and taken captive for sacrifice by the Ghaunadauran crusaders. She asked to follow Anders, in hopes that the surviving Ghauanadauran crusader - Groleth - will attempt to strike at the party, whereupon she could take her revenge. Anders accepted her quest, her loyalty as a henchman, and her ability to quaff large amounts of hard liquor without getting drunk. She died alongside Anders under the magical assault of Pomerian the Lich. (deceased)
Big Wolf and Little Wolf, Namique's canine companions died upon the Outer Planes after an attempt to escape the High Forest Slavers and their demonic leader, Rugor. Until recently, Big and Little sniffed out danger, helped dispatch enemies, and provided themselves as big, furry pillows. Farewell, you shall be missed. (deceased)
Kurs'sha, A hulking monstrosity of a mongrelman - Kurs'sha
was as much beast as man and had travelled far to find and learn from a well
known mongrelman made good - Vosh. Capable of wielding most any weapon
one-handed, Kurs'sha's 9 foot hunched frame was impressive and foreboding,
and within the many folds of his huge cloak was hid a diverse selection of
weapons - several as large as Kurs'sha himself. During the assault in the
Abyss, Kurs'sha died in a vicious melee with the tannar'ric guards of the
underground palace they infiltrated, sacrificing himself in a mad battle
rage. (deceased)
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