Here is a listing of some select Wing Commander ships which I have converted to Alternity along with descriptions and Alternity stats (I do not have actual Wing Commander computer game stats listed here - as they can be found in over a dozen separate place on the Web, and that would be redundant). Included here at the top of the page were the conversion and contruction modifications I made to accomodate my visions of the Wing Commander ships in the Alternity system. Click here to jump to the ship listing. If you would like to download the original older Office 2000 documents and spreadsheets containing the complete ship construction and space weapon modifications, click HERE.
In the Wing Commander Campaign, Structural Armor is the natural toughness of the material used to make a hull. A ship hull can only have an armor weight as defined by the Hull Chart and Hull Quality Listing. The material used to make the ship's hull affects how well it can withstand damage and how much extra the hull costs. Light armor equals the numbers in the following chart. Medium armor multiplies them by 2, and Heavy armor multiplies them by 3.
Type | PL | LI | HI | En | Cost |
PolyCeramic | 6 | d3+1 | d2+1 | d3-1 | 50/dur |
PlasSteel | 6 | d4+1 | d3 | d4-1 | 75/dur |
PolyCarbonite | 6 | d3+1 | d2 | d3 | 60/dur |
DuraSteel | 7 | d4+1 | d3 | d4-1 | 100/dur |
Isometal | 7 | d4+1 | d4 | d3 | 125/dur |
Platolum/DuraSteel Mesh | 7 | d6+1 | d4 | d3 | 200/dur |
Platolum/Isometal Mesh | 8 | d6+1 | d4 | d4 | 300/dur |
Platolum | 8 | d6+1 | d6 | d4 | 450/dur |
Depleted Platolum | 9 | d8+1 | d8 | d6 | 900/dur |
Structural | |||
Hull # | Class | Compartments | Durability | Armor |
Cost |
1 | Launch | 4 | 16 | Light | 35 K |
2 | Courier | 8 | 32 | Light | 75 K |
3 | Trader | 12 | 48 | Light | 125 K |
4 | Light Freighter | 16 | 64 | Light | 250 K |
5 | Transport | 20 | 80 | Medium | 600 K |
6 | Medium Freighter | 24 | 96 | Medium | 850 K |
7 | Space Liner | 30 | 120 | Medium | 1.25 M |
8 | Heavy Freighter | 40 | 240 | Medium | 3.5 M |
9 | Super Freighter | 65 | 520 | Heavy | 10 M |
Structural | |||
Hull # | Class | Compartments | Durability | Armor |
Cost |
1 | Light Fighter | 2 | 15 | Light | 50 K |
1 | Med Fighter | 3 | 17 | Light | 65 K |
1 | Heavy Fighter | 4 | 20 | Light | 90 K |
2 | Bomber (Cutter) | 8 | 40 | Medium | 150 K |
3 | Scout | 12 | 60 | Medium | 300 K |
4 | Attack | 16 | 80 | Medium | 750 K |
5 | Escort | 20 | 100 | Medium | 1.75 M |
6 | Corvette | 24 | 120 | Medium | 4 M |
7 | Heavy Corvette | 30 | 300 | Heavy | 8 M |
8 | Military Transport | 50 | 500 | Heavy | 10 M |
9 | Destroyer | 60 | 600 | Heavy | 12.5 M |
10 | Frigate | 75 | 750 | Heavy | 16 M |
11 | Cruiser | 90 | 1000 | Heavy | 45 M |
12 | Light Carrier | 95 | 1200 | Heavy | 55 M |
13 | Heavy Cruiser | 100 | 1400 | Heavy | 65 M |
14 | Heavy Carrier | 120 | 1500 | Heavy | 100 M |
15 | Dreadnought | 150+ | 3000+ | Heavy | 500+ M |
Terran Spacecraft
Strike Carrier (Confederation Class)
A design from the Terran-Kilrathi war, it was the first in the long line
of larger and stronger ships. By the end of the conflict, strike carriers
were also known as light carriers in comparison to a fleet carrier, even
though when first designed they were larger than any other carrier in the
Terran fleet. Strike carriers, despite refits, are growing long in the tooth,
most having been in service at least 15 years. While many survive, they are
relegated to generally light duty due to their age and weaker combat potential.
This, however, is not to say that strike carriers are useless. While they
are being outshined by newer designs and technology, strike carriers are
what brought humanity through most of the Terran-Kilrathi War, and that will
not be forgotten. Approximately two hundred strike carriers remain in service.
The Union of Border Worlds maintains a very similar design as their largest
carrier type (which is noted in underlined parentheses).
Length: 750 m Displacement: 56000 mton
Endo/Exo-Spheric: Exo
Jump Capable: Y Cloak Shields: N
Slide: N
Toughness: Amazing
# Compartments: 20
Max Manuever Difficulty: Moderate
Acc: 3 Mpp (4 Mpp)
MaxVel: .15 AU/hr (22 M/phase)
Afterburn: -
Power System: Ion Reactor
Forward Shield: 300 Aft Shield: 300
Standard Recharge: 25/shield/phase
Ablative Armor:
Forward: 110 (175) Aft: 110 (175)
Left: 120 (175) Right: 120
Structural Armor: Heavy Isometal (Durasteel)
Weapon Systems:
Anti-Fighter Particle Cannon Turret (x2) Anti-Fighter Laser
Turrets (x22) (Replaced - Mass Driver Turrets x16)
Anti-Fighter Tachyon Turret - Bridge Defense (x1) 135 Starfighters
(various - no more than 6 distinct types)
2 Starhawk surveillance ship 5 Condor Modular Shuttles
Internal security systems
Munitions for equipment/crew for 4 months sustained conflict
Destroyer (Ajax Class)
A lighter gun-based ship than the battle cruiser, destroyers are much more
common, forming the screen and majority of the punch of a carrier fleet.
Destroyers are also the basis of most long range in-system patrols, as well
as performing scouting for Battle Cruiser centered fleets. While destroyers
don't have the range and power of guns of a battle cruiser, they are somewhat
faster, and when working in groups, few individual capital ships can withstand
the withering assault for long. The Union of Border Worlds maintains an
effectively mirror design as the Confederation, but as its largest gun-based
warship rather than as a support ship.
Length: 500 m Displacement: 19000 mton
Endo/Exo-Spheric: Exo
Jump Capable: Y Cloak Shields: N
Slide: N
Toughness: Amazing
# Compartments: 10
Max Manuever Difficulty: Moderate
Acc: 5 Mpp
MaxVel: .2 AU/hr (30 M/phase)
Afterburn: -
Power System: Ion Reactor
Forward Shield: 150 Aft Shield: 150
Standard Recharge: 35/shield/phase
Ablative Armor:
Forward: 150 Aft: 110
Left: 100 Right: 100
Structural Armor: Heavy Isometal
Weapon Systems:
Anti-Fighter Particle Cannon Turret (x10) Anti-Fighter IR Missile
Turret (x4)
Spinal Medium Anti-Matter Cannon (x1) CapShip Anti-Matter Missiles
Light Torpedo Launcher (x1 (x20 light torpedoes)) 10 Starfighters
(external launch - interceptors/scout fighters)
2 Condor modular shuttles (external launch) Internal security
Munitions for equipment/crew for 6 months sustained conflict
Corvette (Osaka Class)
Taking a hint from the Kilrathi, the Terran forces upgraded the old Ventures
to a form of super-light capship near the end of the war. The corvette design
has been refitted a few times since the war's end, and a new design is sure
to come soon, but the current one isn't bad at all. The Corvette is the perfect
quick-strike/defense craft, where large ships or large numbers of fighter
craft can't be easily maintained. Quicker than most other capital ships,
and carrying payloads capable of destroying a capship, while maintaining
a good turret array to defend against fighter swarms, the corvette is an
excellent "gunboat" design for the interstellar age. The Union of Border
Worlds maintains corvettes as their major warship design. A small number
of Confed corvettes have been equipped with cloaking shields, but this is
not a major priority with new designs coming in the next few years.
Length: 200 m Displacement: 6000 mton
Endo/Exo-Spheric: Exo
Jump Capable: Y Cloak Shields: Y (10%)
Slide: N
Toughness: Amazing
# Compartments: 8
Max Manuever Difficulty: Moderate
Acc: 6 Mpp
MaxVel: .2 AU/hr (30 M/phase)
Afterburn: -
Power System: Ion Reactor
Forward Shield: 120 Aft Shield: 120
Standard Recharge: 20/shield/phase
Ablative Armor:
Forward: 90 Aft: 85
Left: 85 Right: 85
Structural Armor: Moderate Isometal
Weapon Systems:
Anti-Fighter Particle Cannon Turret (x6) Anti-Fighter StormFire
Turrets (x3) Torpedo Launcher (x1 (x10 torpedoes))
StarHawk (SWACS)
The StarHawk is the interstellar equivalent of the 20th century AWACS planes.
Loaded with a full suite of sensor, monitoring, and surveillance equipment,
the StarHawk is sent out from its mother ship or fleet to scan a region of
space with its powerful sensor arrays. This information is analyzed, stored,
and transmitted back to the mother ship where appropriate action can be
implemented against an enemy. Unfortunately, the StarHawk is not maneuverable,
and carries no offensive weaponry, thus relying on a fighter escort to protect
it during missions into hostile space.
Length: 61 m Displacement: 42 mton
Endo/Exo-Spheric: Exo
Jump Capable: Y Cloak Shields: N
Slide: N
Toughness: Amazing
# Compartments: 3
Max Manuever Difficulty: Extreme
Acc: 25 Mpp
MaxVel: .3 AU/hr (45 M/phase)
Afterburn: (.4 AU/hr)
60 M/phase [20 Phase tank]
Power System: Gravity Induction Reactor
Forward Shield: 80 Aft Shield: 80 Standard
Recharge: 4/shield/phase
Ablative Armor:
Forward: 35 Aft: 23
Left: 30 Right: 30
Structural Armor: Moderate Platolum
Weapon Systems:
48 Missile Decoys
Condor (Modular Shuttle SAR-23)
The SAR-23 Condor is a modular design. The core ship is a powerful engine
and a cockpit/systems bay. By swapping removable "modules" the Condor can
function as a shuttle craft, a search and rescue ship or a mobile tanker.
The Condor is not extremely fast, nor can it carry anywhere near the material
or people as a Pelican class transport, but it is a small and highly versatile
craft found throughout military and civilian
Length: 69 m Displacement:
62 mton Endo/Exo-Spheric:
Jump Capable: Y Cloak Shields: N
Slide: N
Toughness: Amazing
# Compartments: 3
Max Manuever Difficulty: Moderate
Acc: 30 Mpp
MaxVel: .3 AU/hr (45 M/phase)
(.46 AU/hr) 69 M/phase [20 Phase tank]
Power System: Gravity Induction Reactor
Forward Shield: 100 Aft Shield: 150
Standard Recharge: 2/shield/phase
Ablative Armor:
Forward: 10 Aft: 15
Left: 13 Right: 13
Structural Armor: Moderate Platolum
Weapon Systems:
48 Missile Decoys
Designated a Scout Fighter, the Piranha is a pure dogfighter - fast, agile,
and with enough guns to do the job without slowing down. The Piranha is the
latest light class of fighter developed for the ConFed Space Forces, is currently
in mass production, and is quickly replacing the now obsolete Arrow
Length: 22 m
Displacement: 12 mton
Endo/Exo-Spheric: Exo
Jump Capable: N Cloak Shields: N
Slide: Y
Toughness: Amazing
# Compartments:
Max Manuever Difficulty: Extreme
80 Mpp
MaxVel: .55 AU/hr (82 M/phase)
Afterburn: (1.1 AU/hr) 165 M/phase [20 Phase Tank] In
MP: 16
Power System: Gravity Induction Reactor
Forward Shield: 21 Aft Shield: 21
Standard Recharge: 2/shield/phase
Ablative Armor:
Forward: 25 Aft: 20
Left: 22 Right: 22
Structural Armor: Light Platolum
Weapon Systems:
Laser Cannon (x1) Ion Cannon (x2) StormFire Mk
II (x1 / 400 rounds) 3 (2 slot) Missile hardpoints
24 Missile decoys
The TigerShark is the end result of the old HellCat design. As a multi-role
fighter, it isn't great at any one task, but instead is moderately good at
all types of mission profile. The TigerShark is a solid craft and quite capable
in the hands of a good pilot. It also possesses the largest missile loadout
of any fighter class craft in the navy thanks to its rocket
Length: 27 m
Displacement: 14 mton
Endo/Exo-Spheric: Endo/Exo
Jump Capable: N Cloak Shields: N
Slide: N
Toughness: Amazing
Compartments: 2
Max Manuever Difficulty: Extreme
Acc: 70 Mpp
MaxVel: 45 AU/hr (68 M/phase)
Afterburn: (.95 AU/hr) 143 M/phase [30 Phase Tank]
Power System: Gravity Induction Reactor
Forward Shield: 23 Aft Shield: 23
Standard Recharge: 3/shield/phase
Ablative Armor:
Forward: 26 Aft: 22
Left: 23 Right:
Structural Armor: Light Platolum
Weapon Systems:
Laser Cannon (x2) Mass Driver (x2) - Charging Mode Available
Rocket Pod (36 rockets) 4 (2 slot) Missile hardpoints
24 Missile Decoys
The preferred light fighter near the end of the Terran-Kilrathi War, the
Arrow is very agile and very fast. Now being replaced by the Piranha in the
military, the Arrow is still in wide use as a civilian transport escort,
and unfortunately, as one of the major ships in use by pirate groups. The
Arrow is small and easy to maintain, but is underarmored by current standards.
Some strike carriers still maintain small flight groups of Arrows until their
allotment of Piranhas arrive.
Length: 20 m
Displacement: 13 mton
Endo/Exo-Spheric: Exo
Jump Capable: N Cloak Shields:
Slide: Y
Toughness: Amazing
# Compartments: 2
Max Manuever Difficulty: Extreme
Acc: 40 Mpp
MaxVel: .45 AU/hr (68 M/phase)
Afterburn: (1.1 AU/hr) 165 M/phase [10 Phase Tank]
Power System: Ion Reactor
Forward Shield: 20 Aft Shield: 20
Standard Recharge: 2/shield/phase
Ablative Armor:
Forward: 8 Aft: 8
Left: 6 Right:
Structural Armor: Light DuraSteel
Weapon Systems:
Laser Cannon (x2) Ion Cannon (x2) 4 (2 slot)
Missile hardpoints 16 Missile Decoys
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